
Blog Post #7

  Through this whole semester, the importance of water stood out to me. The flow of the water has consistently remained a crucial symbol in almost every piece of literature we analyzed. Reading the poem Watering the Soul has led me to reflect on the subtle yet profound role that reflection and nourishment plays in personal development. This poem reminded me that growth never occurs during our greatness, growth only flourishes through continuous care we give to ourselves. Just as a plant doesn’t visibly change every day, the most important transformations in life happen beneath the surface in the roots that are invisible to us. It got me thinking about how we all too easily overlook the invisible traces of our own growth. We often only focus on our big achievements we seldom pay attention to, or remember, the little day-to-day moments that helped lead us there. Nothing great was ever built in a singular day, and I often forget that. I believe the poem suggests that flouri...

A Psychological Exploration of Repression and Self-Actualization in Literature and Film

     Psychology is the study of the human mind, its purpose is to understand how people think, feel, and act. Compared to almost every other subject, it’s still relatively new, in fact psychology only started in the late 1800’s, while most other subjects were created long before the birth of Christ. Then in the late 19th century, psychology branched into many different forms of psychology, each exploring different theories that try to explain human behavior. Among the many different branches, there are 2 very prevalent ones, psychoanalysis and humanistic psychology. Psychoanalysis was founded by Sigmund Freud, and it emphasizes the influence of the unconscious on the behavior of humans, while humanistic psychology focuses on personal growth and self-actualization of humans. However, the theories of psychology aren’t extended to just us humans, I believe they can be extended to our works of literature where they help us understand how a characters' inner desires shape th...

Fru Fru Ball

I wanted to explore the concept of POV so I created a story where each paragraph represents a different POV. The first paragraph is the first POV, the second Paragraph is the second POV,and third Paragraph is the third POV. Ever since we were little, my brother and I enjoyed to play hockey. We obviously didn’t have a rink, so we sort of made one in the basement. This is how we invented our own game "Fru Fru ball". It was like hockey, but one of us would wear goalie knee pads, and the other would put on roller blades and try to score. We were too lazy to put on all the pads, but we still didn’t want to get hurt, so we swapped out the puck for an angry bird stuffed toy hence the name fru fru ball. We thought it was genius, it was basically hockey, and it was as fun as it. You’re in the middle of it now. Your brother, despite being the goalie, has decided to make a extremely rash and bold decision. He suddenly rushes out of the net, with his stick in hand and eyes locked on yo...