

Most of you have probably owned a Lego set, or at least heard about Lego. Legos are basically Americas dream toy, with it consistently being one of the most popular and most sold toys to this day. As a kid I would always beg my parents to buy a new Lego set, I’m not goanna lie I was pretty obsessed with Lego. However, it wasn’t until I was older that I realized how overpriced Lego was, like twenty dollars for a mere 200 pieces of plastic? The Lego corporation takes advantage of its consumers because they market Lego as a “one of a kind toy” that crushes all of its blocky competitors. Yes, these tiny pieces of pieces of plastic are cool, but are they really worth the price. Lego has grown its wealth by practically scamming its community, they make so much profit by spending a small portion on plastic, molding it, and then reselling it for prices 10 times greater than what the plastic is worth. It’s gotten to the point where 1 mystery figure (approximately 12 pieces of plastic) costs 7 dollars. I loved Lego, and still do to some extent. However, its just so hard to love them when they are just so money hungry. I used to be so excited when I could go to target and browse the Lego Isle, now I just pass it with a feeling of disgust. I feel like the company's success is not merely built upon bricks, but upon the exploitation of consumer goodwill




  1. I like how you linked your childhood toy, Legos, back to corporate markups and how this affects society as a whole.

  2. You and me both brother. I also loved legos and still do, but now I just browse the lego aisles for enjoyment without actually buying any more legos because the prices have skyrocketed since we were in elementary school.

  3. Sriram Yeshaswi GodugulaFebruary 11, 2024 at 4:51 PM

    I also wrote about legos and I found this blog very relatable. I remember my parents refusing to buy me so many lego sets just due to the overpriced nature of the products. It was very interesting to read your blog.


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