Myth buster (q7)


Who is a better parent, a mother? A father? Or is it both? It’s a common misconception that men cant raise children, and women are simply better at raising children. However in this mini-essay I will debunk this false ideology and prove that men are capable of raising children. In fact if we isolate the two genders and compare single mothers vs single fathers, we can actually see how good males can be at raising children. Children from single mothers are 5 times more likely to commit suicide, 9 times more likely to drop out of high school, 10 times more likely to abuse chemicals, 14 times more likely to commit rape 20 times more likely to end up in prison, and 32 times more likely to run away from home. Not only that but 70% of teen pregnancies and child murders stem from single mother holds (huff post). This displays the crucial role that men play in the upbringing of children, which challenges the misconception that men are can’t properly raise kids. This means that men are equally as important as women in shaping the successful of a child's future. However, it is much better for a child If they grow up in a household where both parents work together to raise the child. Research supports this idea, stating that children raised by both parents are more likely to thrive behaviorally, academically, and, ultimately, in the labor market and adult life (Time Magazine). So rather than labeling one gender as more proficient at child raising, why don’t we view both genders as equally important for raising a child.


  1. I thought this was very interesting. Althought you include factual information, I think you singled in on the negative effects of single mothers' children instead of equally comparing the two. But otherwise, I like the call to action at the end of the blog!

  2. I think the fact that you used scientific research and evidence to support your argument while giving both sides a fair argument in the topic.

  3. Sriram Yeshaswi GodugulaFebruary 4, 2024 at 11:47 AM

    I like how you used rhetorical questions right from the start to get the readers thinking. I also like the style and voice that you incorporated throughout your blog.


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