Utilizing anecdotes and humor like the texts we explored this week to criticize something


I can’t speak for everyone, but personally, these blogs are about as enjoyable as a meeting with an annoy relative. Sure, I like free points for my grade, but nine times out of ten, I'm stuck with writer’s block trying to figure out what on earth to write about. This past weekend was a prime example—I found myself staring at a blank document with zero clue on what to write about. I often open up a word doc in an attempt to write about something, but ill ultimately just give up and get on a game with my friends (this may just be me having the attention span of a gerbil). This is probably my most procrastinated assignment, even though I almost always do my homework on the day its given. It’s a little annoying to have to reflect upon what you did during the week when you’re just trying to enjoy a relaxing weekend. However, when we have a fun topic to write about like the onion or the Maus blog, its not that bad because we actually have a bread crumb trail to follow. However, when we are told to just “write about something we learned or did in class” I feel more inclined to watch paint dry than to write the blog. For this week blog I had legit nothing to write about, all we did was do an ICE and read and analyze 2 pieces. I was complete devoid of any inspiration so I just wrote about my predicament, while obviously using humor and anecdotes because we did a lot of that this week.


  1. I also blank a lot when writing these blog posts, but I need the grade boost as well. I think that when we have an assigned topic like the meme blog during Sweat or the Onion blog, blogging is much more fun and interesting to do.

  2. I like how you incorporated humor into your criticism of this blog post! With comments in parentheses and phrases like "a bread crumb to follow," your humor successfully criticizes your feeling of having nothing to write about.

  3. I liked how you used humor and although you said you had no inspiration, you used devices that we talked about this week.


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