Enviroment blog


Throughout the week we have learned a lot about the benefits nature, so it still baffles me why humanity continues to trash the earth. In our current day and age, where environmental issues and mental health struggles are very prominent, the concept of rewilding and reconnecting with nature offers an extremely valid way to combat these issues. However, despite these benefits, large corporations still prioritize their own personal gain over environmental health and the lives of many people. This leads to the exploitation of natural resources, deforestation, and pollution, which only intensifies climate change and threatens biodiversity. These companies are very shortsighted and greedy, they completely ignore the long-term consequences of environmental destruction they cause. However, the reason for this disregard of nature truly lies in our corrupted economic system which values endless growth, consumption, and consumerism. In this economy nature is often seen as nothing more than a resource to exploit for profit, rather than something to be cherished and protected. These large corporations rely heavily on plastic products because it’s really cheap and very convenient for them. Although its really convenient for consumers and producers, it results in massive amounts of plastic waste, most which gets dumped into our oceans and waterways. Despite the impact plastic has on marine life and ecosystems, corporations choose to dump waste rather than spend their money for sustainable disposable practices, all to maximize profits. A good example of this is the flint water crisis which hit pretty hard, all because large corporations wanted to cut costs. So if we want to prevent things like this from happening in the future, we all have to lock in and do our part to clean up the trash and stop the abuse on nature.


  1. I agree with what you said and think that when people say that my small actions won't change anything, if everyone thinks that way then nothing will get done, but if we all do our part it can work in our favor.

  2. I agree with you about how people completely disregard nature because their greed completely blinds themselves. People nowadays are too greedy for money that they are willing to destroy the earth just to stuff their pockets. What they don’t realize is that if the earth is destroyed, then there will be nowhere for them to spend their riches.


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