Fru Fru Ball

I wanted to explore the concept of POV so I created a story where each paragraph represents a different POV. The first paragraph is the first POV, the second Paragraph is the second POV,and third Paragraph is the third POV.

Ever since we were little, my brother and I enjoyed to play hockey. We obviously didn’t have a rink, so we sort of made one in the basement. This is how we invented our own game "Fru Fru ball". It was like hockey, but one of us would wear goalie knee pads, and the other would put on roller blades and try to score. We were too lazy to put on all the pads, but we still didn’t want to get hurt, so we swapped out the puck for an angry bird stuffed toy hence the name fru fru ball. We thought it was genius, it was basically hockey, and it was as fun as it.

You’re in the middle of it now. Your brother, despite being the goalie, has decided to make a extremely rash and bold decision. He suddenly rushes out of the net, with his stick in hand and eyes locked on you. You know what he’s doing, he’s challenging in a faceoff. Your heart beats faster, you cant loose this, you have to beat him. You grip your stick tight, preparing to strike the toy. Your focus is solely on the angry bird. He’s coming fast, and you’re ready. You swing your stick with all the force you can muster, but something’s wrong. The slap you expect to hear when the toy hits your stick never comes. Instead, you hear a sickening thud, its not the sound of your stick hitting his, and its definitely not your stick hitting the stuff toy, so what was it?

Suddenly the younger brother stood frozen in place, he watched as his older brother crumpled to the ground in pain. The game that had just been full of laughter had come to a abrupt halt. The older brother winced in pain, clutching his foot as he rolls on the ground. The angry bird toy, which had been at the center of their game moments ago, become irrelevant.

Blue Bird - 8" Angry Birds Plush (with Sound)


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