Journal prompt


Like moth to a flame, humans often look for instant gratification, even when they know it won’t benefit them in the long-term. Undisciplined humans are simple minded and live off the pleasure of the moment, they strive for momentary euphoria while they flee from momentary pain. This can be shown through the lens of drugs and social media, where despite the awareness of the detrimental effects, people still use them. It’s universal knowledge that drugs and other stimulants will tear your body apart, yet why do people still consume them know the damage it causes? It’s because the they value the momentary high more than the negative health effects that will hit them later in life. They are blind sighted by the fact that their actions have consequences and just live in the moment. The addiction of drugs simply outweighs the desire to stop and removes your ability to wrestle with this akrasia. Even if they try have a little bit of self-control, their addiction is going to complete remove it shackling them to their need for drugs. This results in a viscous never-ending cycle where the person can almost never truly have the self-control to quit. However, drugs are only specific case because drugs biologically shackle one to their desires, so another example is social media. This includes Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube as they offer instant euphoria through funny videos, likes, comments, and views, which triggers dopamine-driven feedback loops. Constantly using social media has tons of negative effects like mental health issues and low productivity but people still constantly use it out of boredom and a fear of not fitting in. This is can be shown through millennials, as they can’t even go a day without using them, they USE it in the bathroom, during school, while eating, almost every second of their life is filled with technology.


  1. I liked how you talked about multiple examples of akrasia and how humans struggle with not discerning what is right from wrong, but how they struggle to prevent themselves from still indulging in things that are harmful. I ended up talking about similar examples in my blog, so I agree with both of your points/examples. I can also personally relate to the addiction of social media and how it prevents me from being productive.

  2. I like how you addressed how some people lose ttheir ability to "wrestle" with akrasia. Our constant use of technology forces us down a path of addiction similar to the use of drugs.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I liked how you started the essay with figurative language to hook us into your argument.


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